sábado, 15 de março de 2008


Main Advantages:
* Combined antivirustechnologies. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 relies upon integrated methodsto scan for viruses: the reactive method (using signature databases)and proactive protection (behavior blocker and heuristic analysis).* Optimized for use on laptops. Users of laptops benefit from aneconomy mode that conserves battery energy, while users of WiFi(wireless)Internet services can automatically update antivirusdatabases. The program has been optimized for use on laptops based onIntel Centrino mobile technology, and for use on computers with Intelprocessors that support Hyper-Threading technology.* Simplicity and convenience. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 is installed andset up in a matter of minutes, while the context-sensitive helpfunction helps users quickly understand the finer points of theprogram’s capabilities. Moreover, the program regularly notifies usersof its current protection status and gives recommendations for dealingwith virus epidemics and potential threats.
Key Features:
*** Antivirus protection:
- Protectionfor email. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 scans email traffic for virusesaccording to the protocol via which it is sent (POP3, IMAP and NNTP forincoming mail and SMTP for outgoing mail) on any mail program, whileplug-ins and treatment for viruses in Microsoft Outlook and MicrosoftOutlook Express mail databases are offered.- Scanning of Internet traffic. All HTTP Internet traffic is scannedfor viruses in real-time, ensuring that infected objects are not savedto the computer’s hard disk.- Protection for file systems. Individual files, catalogues and diskscan be designated for antivirus scanning. Users can limit antivirusscanning to critical areas of the operating system and startup objectsto ensure that attention is focused on the most vulnerable areas of thesystem.
*** Proactive protection:
- Controlover changes in the file system. With Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 it ispossible to compile lists of applications, the component structure ofwhich will be controlled, thus helping to prevent malicious programsfrom undermining the integrity of the application.- Monitors processes in the memory. The product monitors the activityof programs and processes that have been launched in the computer’smemory and, at the same time, warns users of any dangerous, suspiciousor hidden processes (that is, rootkits), and of unauthorized changes inroutine processes.- Monitors changes in the operating system registry. The applicationcontrols the status of the system registry and notifies users of anysuspicious objects or attempts to create hidden keys in the registry.- Blocks dangerous macros. Proactive protection affords control overthe operation of macros based on Visual Basic for Applications inMicrosoft Office documents and blocks dangerous macro-commands frombeing executed.- System restore. The system can be restored after malicious activity.Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 can roll back any changes made to the systemby malicious programs.
*** Fast operating speeds:
-Technology for accelerated antivirus scanning. iSwift and iCheckertechnology make it possible to limit scanning to new and modifiedfiles, or to limit scanning to potentially dangerous objects only.Antivirus scanning can be suspended during times of increased useractivity to ensure that your computer’s resources are free for your use.- Reduced update sizes. The size of updates downloaded to users’ PC hasbeen reduced almost 10 times (now amounting to several tens ofkilobytes) in Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0, making our updates virtuallyinstant.
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